FREE access to cisco Routers by CCNA

Welcome to Currently we have only two  routers and one switch online but we are looking to add several more and start to offer router scenarios to test your routing / switch skills. If you have any questions you can email me at I will try to answer router and switch questions until the load reaches too high. please read the
entire page and  just click on the link below and you will have free access to a Cisco router.
Please adhere to the rules.
1. Do not place passwords on the console ports and all enable passwords you
must use cisco no excuses
2. Do not erase any flash images this will also have to be reset by me
3. This router is behind a firewall you can only telnet to the device nothing
else. I promise it will not work.
4. Have fun  and send me feedback
I would like to know if people are using the routers !!!
Please read the directions below it will make you experience on these routers
error free.
You are about to telnet to an access server. the password to the access
server is cisco. From there you will have a couple of commands you will need to execute to get access the routers and switches from the console ports. From the access server you will reverse-telnet to the routers and switches. to view the router and switches you need to enter show hosts this will give you a list of available routers. Now you only need to type the hostname and hit the enter key to enter the device. Once in the device you have console access to the router to exit the router hit control – shift – 6 at the same time
then the x key. You will disconnect from the device and you will return to the access server. This suspends your telnet session to the device if you want to resume just hit enter key or type disconnect to drop the session. If you receive a connection refused this means another user is connected to the router and you need to wait your turn type show line to view the TTY sessions. The sessions in use will have an asterisk (*) character in the left column. To view the other users on the access server type show users. Last if you want to view the telnet sessions you currently have suspended issue the command show sessions. This should give you the basics to navagate the access server.
Access Server Command Summary
show hosts
show line
show users
show sessions
Router Configurations:
If you need to clear the router configurations go to enable mode on the device and execute erase start. Type reload to reboot the router you should receive the initial setup for the router type no and this will return you to command line interface. Save your configuration to your local computer, who knows who will clear the router.
Currently there are 2 2620 routers and a 3550 switch each router has a t-1 wic card that is connected to each router so they can communicate via point to point serial connection and a fast Ethernet port connected to port 1 and port 2 of the 3550 switch. Router 1 fast ethernet is connected to switch port 1 and router 2 fast Ethernet is connected to switch port 2.
This is a total test for me. I would like to see if this will help CCNA’s in the pursuit for certification. Please email me. I have other equipment and if I receive positive feedback and very little administration for this project I will add more routers and switches and possibly write some labs, it all depends on the feedback.
Rack Rental and personal training
If you have interest in exclusive access to the entire lab for a couple of days email me and we can work something out. If you need some training I also offer personal training. We can work on your network or set up a personal lab.

Free Access the routers Here

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